And the ups
Meanwhile across the Atlantic, US socks imports increased by 2.36% to $ 2.2 billion in 2017,
compared to the previous year. China was the most important supplier with a 58% market
share, followed by El Salvador at 11.5%.
55.8% of imports were synthetic fibre socks, whilst cotton socks ranked second at 29.3%.
Pantyhose imports came in third at 5.7%.
China is the main supplier to the USA, accounting for $1.28 billion (58%) worth of socks in
2017. China mainly exports synthetic fibre socks to the USA. 71.7% of were synthetic fibre
socks and 15.4% were cotton socks.
In 2017, $ 253.3 million worth of socks were imported from El Salvador, up 23.2% from
2016. Honduras and Pakistan are other important socks and hosiery suppliers to the USA.
The two countries exported $183.9 million and $120.4 million dollars respectively.